Relay #00
A story of community, religion, madness and the first planet to succumb to the universe's biggest paradigm shift.
A weary space traveler arrives on a primitive planet lost in the dark ages. The shamanic tribe who resides there are unsettled and uncertain about their future. They rely on hunting and gathering to survive until the charismatic traveler offers a tantalizing and dangerous solution: The Relay. A Monolith designed to spread conformity of ideas, technology and progress across all discovered worlds.
Relay is a strange marriage of There Will Be Blood and The Fifth Element set against the deceptive promise of a better future.
Written by Zac Thompson (The Dregs), art by Andy Clarke (REPLICA, Batman), and story by Zac Thomson and Donny Cates (BABYTEETH, God Country, Redneck) comes the BRAND NEW series that HAD to be told at AFTERSHOCK!