Babyteeth Vol 2: Razed TPB
Collecting the complete second story arc from the hit AfterShock series, BABYTEETH!
Crazy Warlock dudes, super secret cabals, inter-dimensional portals, new assassins, and the horrors of airline travel with a (demonic hellspawn sent to destroy the universe) baby! Plus—Marty, your new favorite demon-racoon-thing friend! An all-new story arc of the critically-acclaimed series BABYTEETH is here!
From Donny Cates, writer of Thanos, Dr. Strange, Buzzkill, Paybacks, Rednecks and the break-out hit God Country, comes a pulse-pounding new series with art from THE REVISIONIST’s Garry Brown!
"Above all that is a central conflict of what a mother will do for her child, regardless of what that child could become or what they're destined to do. It's something most parents can identify with in some fashion, granted not on this type of scale. While there are many questions left unanswered, the answer to 'should I give this a try' is a resounding yes." - COMICBOOK.COM